Central and South Los Angeles ADRC
No Wrong Door
Children are not things to be molded but are people to be unfolded.
To provide a No Wrong Door Service Philosophy with a comprehensive network of support and services for people with disabilities, seniors, older adults, their families and caregivers in the Los Angeles Region.
Curabitur arcu erat, accumsan id imperdiet et, porttitor at sem. Nulla porttitor accumsan tincidunt.
211 LA
The Contact and Referral Center for the ADRC
The Contact and Referral Center for the ADRC
211 LA (or 211 LA County) is A 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization serving all of Los Angeles County with connections to health and human services. 211 LA provides information and referrals to the services that best meet individual needs, through our 24 hour 2-1-1 call line, or through our website and chat. 211 LA also provides special programs including outreach, service navigation and care coordination to assist people with accessing services.
Frequently Asked Questions
The Aging and Disability Resource Connection is a new partnership between 211, Agency Area on Aging (AAA), and an Independent Living Center—Communities Actively Living Independent and Free (CALIF). We are here to make things easier for persons living with disabilities and persons over 60
We are focusing our efforts on what is known as Long Term Care Needs. Long Term Care can be many things: housing, benefits, In-Home Support Services, Community Living, Enhanced Information and Referral, Hospice, Home Modification, and much more.
If you live with any form/type of disability, of any age or a senior of 60 years or older, you are eligible.
Yes, call 211.