The Aging and Disability Resource Connection is a new partnership between 211, Agency Area on Aging (AAA), and an Independent Living Center—Communities Actively Living Independent and Free (CALIF). We are here to make things easier for persons living with disabilities and persons over 60.
Our goal is to link people seeking services to providers who are just the right match to meet your needs. We are focusing our efforts on what is known as Long Term Care Needs. Long Term Care can be many things: housing, benefits, In-Home Support Services, Community Living, Enhanced Information and Referral, Hospice, Home Modification, and much more.
If you are already familiar with Independent Living Centers (ILC) services, you’ll recognize these supports, which the ADRC extends to seniors.
So, if you or a loved one have any questions or need support, don’t hesitate to call 211 of Los Angeles, and they’ll get you started on your journey of living well.
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The Central and South Los Angeles Aging and Disability Resource Connection (CSLA ADRC)
To provide a No Wrong Door Philosophy with a wide-ranging of support and assistance for people with disabilities, seniors, their families and caregivers in the Los Angeles Region.